Movie Poster Tagline Database

Search or browse our collection of 21,118 taglines for 13,673 films including almost every film going back to 2009.

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"Sometimes learning how to live is learning how to die" - Moon Manor (2022)

"Sometimes leaving is a lot harder than it seems. Especially in... Dancer, Texas. In the middle of nowhere they had everything." - Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 (1998)

"Sometimes leaving is the first step to finding home." - Square Dance (1987)

"Sometimes life brings some strange surprises." - Broken Flowers (2005)

"Sometimes life gives you the finger and sometimes it gives you... Hesher" - Hesher (2011)

"Sometimes life leads you to the most mysterious places." - The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2009)

"Sometimes life raises the barre." - Bunheads (tv)

"Sometimes love blows." - Good Luck Chuck (2007)

"Sometimes love can be a killer." - Doppleganger (1993)

"Sometimes love happens" - The Wake of Light (2021)

"Sometimes love happens by accident!" - The Accidental Husband (2008)

"Sometimes love happens whether you like it or not." - Moscow, Belgium (2008)

"Sometimes love has a life of its own." - Waking the Dead (2000)

"Sometimes love is a stranger. And sometimes it's someone you've known all your life." - Mr. Wonderful (1993)

"Sometimes love is a walk in the park" - 23 Walks (2020)

"Sometimes love is even closer than you think." - The Beauty of Jane (2006)

"Sometimes love is hiding between the seconds of your life." - Cashback (2007)

"Sometimes love is just a big bowl of wrong" - I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With (2007)

"Sometimes love is right outside your fishbowl" - Kettle of Fish (2006)

"Sometimes love is the only proof you need." - Harrison's Flowers (2002)

"Sometimes love is what happens while we're busy making..." - Other Plans (2014)

"Sometimes love lets you keep the change" - Cashback (2007)

"Sometimes love really is a bitch" - My Dog Tulip (2010)

"Sometimes love rewrites the code." - No Postage Necessary (2018)

"Sometimes moving forward means going back." - Night School (2017)

"Sometimes murder just isn't enough" - Killing Lionel (2019)

"Sometimes one dream is enough to light up the whole sky." - October Sky (1999)

"Sometimes paradise has a price" - Máncora (2009)

"Sometimes perfect strangers make the best friends" - Mary and Max (2009)

"Sometimes redemption is out of reach" - Salt and Fire (2016)

"Sometimes revenge is the only answer." - Blackway (2016)

"Sometimes revenge is the only justice" - The Foreigner (2017)

"Sometimes sad tears become laughter." - The Joke Thief (2018)

"Sometimes staying together... means being apart" - Love Is Strange (2014)

"Sometimes stopping is the most important part of the journey..." - Snow Cake (2006)

"Sometimes students make the best teachers." - Liberal Arts (2012)

"Sometimes the adventure of a lifetime becomes life itself." - I Dreamed of Africa (2000)

"Sometimes the answers are written in the stars" - Elijah and the Rock Creature (2018)

"Sometimes the battle follows you home" - SGT. Will Gardner (2019)

"Sometimes the best defense... is a wiseguy." - Find Me Guilty (2006)

"Sometimes the best ideas are home grown" - Father of Invention (2010)

"Sometimes the best night of your life happens at the worst possible time." - Stuck Between Stations (2011)

"Sometimes the best place to find your true self is straight up" - Vertical (2013)

"Sometimes the best way to tell your story is to sing it" - Revolution Rent (2021)

"Sometimes the best woman for the job... is a man." - Good Advice (2001)

"Sometimes the Big Apple bites." - Glee (tv)

"Sometimes the choices you make, make you." - Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn (2013)

"Sometimes the dead call the living" - The Summoning (2017)

"Sometimes the farther you stray, the closer you are to home." - Polish Wedding (1998)

"Sometimes the fight of your life comes in the dead of night" - Cold Comes the Night (2013)

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